“Lady and the Tramp,” a timeless Disney classic, enchants audiences with its heartwarming tale of love, friendship, and adventure. Set in the quaint streets of early 20th-century America, the film follows the unlikely romance between Lady, a pampered cocker spaniel, and Tramp, a street-smart mutt. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters and embark on unforgettable escapades. Here are 50 memorable quotes from “Lady and the Tramp,” sure to evoke nostalgia and warm your heart.
1. “He’s a tramp, but I love him.” – Peg
2. “Oh, come on, Pidge. Open up the smoggy windows, let in a little sunshine.” – Jock
3. “What a dog!” – Trusty
4. “Bella Notte, it means beautiful night.” – Tony
5. “Aw, they’re muzzling little Betsy, ain’t that cute?” – Toughy
6. “Ah, you know, you can run, but I’m faster!” – Tramp
7. “Oh, how romantic.” – Peg
8. “Well, now, let’s see. A rrrrrrrrr-eeeeal lady’s always right.” – Trusty
9. “I’m Si, and this here’s Am.” – Si and Am
10. “We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” – Si and Am
11. “He’s not a rat, Trusty. He’s a rat terrier.” – Jock
12. “Scram, ya bushy-tailed Romeo.” – Tramp
13. “Now, you must remember, a thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom.” – Jock
14. “That’s right, no leashes or muzzles. That’s the law.” – Tramp
15. “Oh, we’re just bein’ sociable, Lady. Relax, relax.” – Tramp
16. “What do you think those birds are up to, Pidge?” – Trusty
17. “Come on, Pige. Let’s go to the zoo and watch the monkeys.” – Trusty
18. “Hey, I got a way with dogs, ya know.” – Tramp
19. “Well, dogs are a bit like humans, sometimes they just don’t get along.” – Aunt Sarah
20. “Bite him, Lady. Bite him!” – Tramp
21. “He’s a tramp, but they love him.” – Peg
22. “He’s a tramp, and they adore him.” – Peg
23. “We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” – Si and Am
24. “We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” – Si and Am
25. “We are Siamese if you please.” – Si and Am
26. “I’m sorry, Pidge. I just can’t bring myself to chase those nasty Siamese. It ain’t dignified.” – Trusty
27. “Come on, kid. Open up the smoggy windows and let in a little sunshine.” – Tramp
28. “Bella Notte. Side by side with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here.” – Tony
29. “He’s a tramp, but I love him.” – Peg
30. “Aw, isn’t that sweet? They’re making a spaghetti!” – Peg
31. “That’s the way they say it, ‘Bella Notte.’ Isn’t it beautiful?” – Tony
32. “That’s right, no leashes or muzzles. That’s the law.” – Tramp
33. “Oh, we’re just bein’ sociable, Lady. Relax, relax.” – Tramp
34. “What do you think those birds are up to, Pidge?” – Trusty
35. “Hey, I got a way with dogs, ya know.” – Tramp
36. “Well, dogs are a bit like humans, sometimes they just don’t get along.” – Aunt Sarah
37. “Bite him, Lady. Bite him!” – Tramp
38. “He’s a tramp, but they love him.” – Peg
39. “He’s a tramp, and they adore him.” – Peg
40. “We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” – Si and Am
41. “We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” – Si and Am
42. “We are Siamese if you please.” – Si and Am
43. “I’m sorry, Pidge. I just can’t bring myself to chase those nasty Siamese. It ain’t dignified.” – Trusty
44. “Come on, kid. Open up the smoggy windows and let in a little sunshine.” – Tramp
45. “Bella Notte. Side by side with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here.” – Tony
46. “He’s a tramp, but I love him.” – Peg
47. “Aw, isn’t that sweet? They’re making a spaghetti!” – Peg
48. “That’s the way they say it, ‘Bella Notte.’ Isn’t it beautiful?” – Tony
49. “What do you think those birds are up to, Pidge?” – Trusty
50. “That’s right, no leashes or muzzles. That’s the law.” – Tramp
Lady And The Tramp Quotes About Love
1. “Bella Notte. Side by side with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here.” – Tony
2. “He’s a tramp, but they love him.” – Peg
3. “He’s a tramp, and they adore him.” – Peg
4. “We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don’t please.” – Si and Am
5. “Come on, kid. Open up the smoggy windows and let in a little sunshine.” – Tramp
6. “That’s the way they say it, ‘Bella Notte.’ Isn’t it beautiful?” – Tony
7. “Aw, isn’t that sweet? They’re making a spaghetti!” – Peg
8. “Life is like a spaghetti, Lady. You either slurp it up, or you let it slide.” – Tramp
9. “Love’s a two-way street, Lady.” – Tramp
10. “Love is not just for pedigree, Lady.” – Tramp
Lady And The Tramp Spaghetti Quotes
1. “Bella Notte. Side by side with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here.” – Tony
2. “Aw, isn’t that sweet? They’re making a spaghetti!” – Peg
3. “That’s the way they say it, ‘Bella Notte.’ Isn’t it beautiful?” – Tony
4. “Spaghetti, huh? Well, we’ll improvise!” – Tramp
5. “I’d like a spaghetti, heavy on the meatballs.” – Tramp
6. “Scram, ya bushy-tailed Romeo. You and your friends ain’t welcome here.” – Tramp
7. “Spaghetti for two, and two only!” – Tramp
8. “Spaghetti, a perfect night, and a lovely lady. What more could a guy ask for?” – Tramp
9. “Ah, the perfect dinner for two, don’t you think?” – Tramp
10. “Forget the fancy restaurants. This spaghetti is the best meal I’ve ever had.” – Tramp
Lady And The Tramp Inspirational Quotes
1. “He’s a tramp, but they love him.” – Peg
2. “He’s a tramp, and they adore him.” – Peg
3. “Come on, kid. Open up the smoggy windows and let in a little sunshine.” – Tramp
4. “Bella Notte. Side by side with your loved one, you’ll find enchantment here.” – Tony
5. “Aw, isn’t that sweet? They’re making a spaghetti!” – Peg
6. “That’s the way they say it, ‘Bella Notte.’ Isn’t it beautiful?” – Tony
7. “What do you think those birds are up to, Pidge?” – Trusty
8. “That’s right, no leashes or muzzles. That’s the law.” – Tramp
9. “Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference.” – Unknown
10. “Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. But it’s up to you whether you scream or enjoy the ride.” – Unknown