Latter-day Saints (LDS) missionaries are individuals who dedicate a significant portion of their lives to spreading the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They embark on missions around the world, sharing their faith, serving others, and seeking to bring people closer to God. These missionaries often face numerous challenges and experiences that shape their perspectives and strengthen their commitment to their beliefs. Here are 50 inspirational quotes from LDS missionaries that reflect their dedication, resilience, and unwavering faith.
1. “A missionary is someone who leaves their family for a short time so others can be with their families for eternity.” – Unknown
2. “The Lord shapes the back to bear the burden placed upon it.” – Elder David A. Bednar
3. “A successful missionary is one who serves the Lord faithfully, even when no one is watching.” – Unknown
4. “Every missionary who is worthy to serve the Lord in the mission field is worthy to be married in the temple.” – Thomas S. Monson
5. “Missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience.” – Jeffrey R. Holland
6. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
7. “The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin
8. “The Lord has a plan for each of us, and our lives have a purpose, even when we don’t understand it.” – Unknown
9. “You are never more like Christ than when you are serving others.” – Unknown
10. “The happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
11. “A mission is a responsibility every young man and woman should take seriously. It is a privilege, a duty, and an opportunity to serve the Lord.” – Unknown
12. “Missionary work is not just what missionaries do; it’s what we all do as members of the Church.” – Neil L. Andersen
13. “You have not failed until you quit trying.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
14. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
15. “The worth of a soul is great in the sight of God.” – Unknown
16. “The Lord doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” – Unknown
17. “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” – Shirley Chisholm
18. “The greatest act of faith some days is to simply get up and face another day.” – Amy Gatliff
19. “The work of the Lord is not confined to the sanctuary. It includes ministering to those in need, wherever they may be.” – M. Russell Ballard
20. “The most effective way to do it is to do it.” – Amelia Earhart
21. “Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.” – Thomas S. Monson
22. “Missionary work is not a temporary assignment but a lifelong commitment.” – Unknown
23. “The Lord doesn’t require us to succeed; He only requires that you try.” – Mother Teresa
24. “Every member a missionary, every convert a missionary companion.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
25. “The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
26. “As you serve others, you are also serving God.” – Unknown
27. “Your potential is limitless when you put your trust in the Lord.” – Unknown
28. “The Lord promises to be with us always, even until the end of the world.” – Matthew 28:20
29. “Never forget that you are a child of God and that He loves you.” – Unknown
30. “Every soul we help to bring to Christ is a precious gift to the Lord.” – Unknown
31. “The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most precious gift you can give to others.” – Unknown
32. “Your testimony is your most valuable possession; share it with love and humility.” – Unknown
33. “The Lord will guide you and protect you as you serve Him.” – Unknown
34. “Don’t be afraid to share your beliefs with others; you never know whose life you might touch.” – Unknown
35. “Missionary work is not just about teaching; it’s about loving and serving others.” – Unknown
36. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
37. “Every soul is precious in the sight of God, and He wants all of His children to return to Him.” – Unknown
38. “The Lord will never give you more than you can handle.” – Unknown
39. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16
40. “The Lord will give you strength and courage as you serve Him.” – Unknown
41. “Your service as a missionary will bless countless lives for generations to come.” – Unknown
42. “The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to change lives and heal hearts.” – Unknown
43. “Your testimony is a powerful tool for good; use it to lift others and bring them to Christ.” – Unknown
44. “The Lord is mindful of every missionary who serves in His name.” – Unknown
45. “The love of God is infinite and unconditional; share it with others freely.” – Unknown
46. “The Lord will magnify your efforts as you serve Him with all your heart.” – Unknown
47. “Missionary work is not just about teaching; it’s about being an example of Christ’s love.” – Unknown
48. “The gospel of Jesus Christ is the message of hope and redemption for all mankind.” – Unknown
49. “The Lord will guide you every step of the way as you serve Him.” – Unknown
50. “Your service as a missionary is a sacred trust; honor it with all your heart.” – Unknown
LDS Missionary Quotes Funny
1. “You know you’re a missionary when your ‘to-do’ list includes ‘baptize someone today.'” – Unknown
2. “Being a missionary is like being a walking advertisement for your religion, except you don’t get paid for it.” – Unknown
3. “You might be a missionary if your wardrobe consists entirely of white shirts and ties.” – Unknown
4. “As a missionary, you learn that knocking on doors is the ultimate test of your sales skills.” – Unknown
5. “You know you’re a missionary when you can recite the first discussion in your sleep.” – Unknown
6. “Being a missionary is like being a human GPS, except instead of directions, you’re giving spiritual guidance.” – Unknown
7. “You might be a missionary if your idea of a wild Friday night is handing out Book of Mormons.” – Unknown
8. “As a missionary, you quickly learn that rejection builds character, and sometimes you just have to laugh it off.” – Unknown
9. “You know you’re a missionary when your favorite pastime is debating with strangers about religion.” – Unknown
10. “Being a missionary is like being a superhero, except instead of fighting crime, you’re saving souls.” – Unknown
LDS Returned Missionary Quotes
1. “A returned missionary is not someone who has completed their mission; they are someone who has just begun to live it.” – Unknown
2. “The real mission begins when you return home and continue to live and share the gospel every day.” – Unknown
3. “Being a returned missionary means being a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ.” – Unknown
4. “The greatest service we can render after our mission is to continue to serve and uplift others in our daily lives.” – Unknown
5. “A returned missionary is not defined by the name tag they wear, but by the love they have for God and His children.” – Unknown
6. “Returning home from a mission is not the end; it’s the beginning of a new chapter in your service to the Lord.” – Unknown
7. “The lessons learned on a mission are meant to be applied throughout life, not just during those two years.” – Unknown
8. “A returned missionary’s greatest mission field is their own community, where they can continue to share the gospel by word and example.” – Unknown
9. “The true measure of a returned missionary is not how many converts they baptized, but how faithfully they lived and shared the gospel.” – Unknown
10. “The work of a returned missionary is never done; it is a lifelong commitment to follow the Savior and help others come unto Him.” – Unknown
LDS Sister Missionary Quotes
1. “Serving a mission isn’t about the gender; it’s about the heart.” – Unknown
2. “As sisters in the gospel, we have the power to touch lives and make a difference in the world.” – Unknown
3. “A sister missionary’s influence extends far beyond the mission field; it lasts a lifetime.” – Unknown
4. “Our mission as sisters is to spread love, light, and the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we go.” – Unknown
5. “Serving as a sister missionary is not just a duty; it’s a privilege and a blessing.” – Unknown
6. “The power of sister missionaries lies in their ability to love unconditionally and serve selflessly.” – Unknown
7. “As sisters in the gospel, we are called to be disciples of Christ and share His message of hope and salvation.” – Unknown
8. “A sister missionary’s strength comes from her faith, her determination, and her unwavering commitment to God’s work.” – Unknown
9. “Sister missionaries are not just teachers; they are ambassadors of Christ’s love and compassion.” – Unknown
10. “The impact of a sister missionary’s service is immeasurable; it touches hearts, changes lives, and strengthens testimonies.” – Unknown